BMS Networks

sira engineering and solutions

BMS Networks

  • Wireless, Fixed, internet IP address, Mobile phone Remote access Bacnet, Lon Works, Modbus, Sedona, Niagara AX, Proprietary Networks/Protocols:
  • The BMS Networks available and installed, past and present, offer different advantages and different cost subject to their application. Which is the best network and why. What are the costs? and what are the benefits versus the cost? Are the differences a major concern or simply academic? Services within the Commercial Building Structure, such as Lifts, Building Automation, Security, Access Control, Cameras, HVAC, lighting and other equipment use Various BMS Networks and “backbones” to Communicate, which of these already operate in your facility? Can we use them to your advantage? BMS (Building Management System) networks can be integrated to bring these “services” networks into a single system BMS Network delivering data to graphics and other systems to improve operational performance and garnish the natural benefits of improved energy conservation within the building. Data Mining, via these networks, can deliver strategic information for budgets, energy conservation and facility operations. The Niagara AX open platform can bring these networks together in a seamless integrated system which can be accessed via an IP address and preserve the many advantages of internet based systems; automated e-mail and alarms for instance.